Sunday, 18 November 2007

To the Blogoshere and beyond!

Hiya, I'm back. I've been giving blogging a bit of a rest lately. I've been so busy doing other stuff that I haven't been giving it my full attention. I like to spend a lot of time on my posts and I haven't had the time to devote to be honest. Hopefully I can get back into the swing.
I've been to busy spending more time surfing and looking at writer and marketers sites and forums ( I think it should be fora but maybe I'm old-fashioned) as I'm beginning to think that getting an agent for my book is going to take a lot longer than I have the patience for. I'm starting to wonder if just following the self-publishing route might be the best way. There are a lot of writers out here in the blogosphere though and the great part is that there seems to be an overwhelming ethos of support rather than competition among us. People are perfectly willing share marketing ideas, give one another a "leg-up" and constantly wish each other luck in "getting the break" into wider publishing that we all seek. After all, we all want our cherished works to be read and enjoyed by as wide an audience as possible and though the process is slow and laborious it does keep us all driven, I guess. At the moment I am building up the courage to start taking a more active part in the aforementioned forums (fora) I have, until now been content to simply read other people's posts concerned that once I start I'll end up spending even more of my life glued to the screen reading rather than writing which is why I started the bloody blog in the first place. Wish me luck!

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